Friday, November 28, 2014

【 Fun making Maximum Cards @ 2010 Bangkok Philatelic Exhibition】 【 2010 曼谷邮展制极限片乐】

【 Fun making Maximum Cards @ 2010 Bangkok Philatelic Exhibition】
【 2010 曼谷邮展制极限片乐】

There were varieties of stamps and postcards available at the Queen Sirikit exhibition centre during the 2010 Bangkok philatelic exhibition. I was amazed by the thematic stamps issued by the Thaipost, many with single stamp in a set. They are simply ideal for realisation of maximum cards. Share here a Maximum Card I realised at the exhibition centre, both stamp and the postcard were bought in Bangkok.


【Experience of creating Maximum Cards @ Philakorea 2002, Seoul】 【2002年首尔世界邮展体验制作韩国极限片】

【Experience of creating Maximum Cards @ Philakorea 2002, Seoul】

It was just after the 2002 World Cup, I visited Philakorea 2002 world philatelic exhibition. Korea Post issued a set of football stamps to commemorate the National team which won 4th place in the World Cup.  There were many postcards depicting the National football players available at the exhibition venue, I could easily realised the whole set of the football stamps on maximum cards.  Postcards were readily available at tourist district, I was able to purchase other post cards that matched Korean postage stamps and had a wonderful time realising several interesting MCs. Share here a maximum card I realised @ Philakorea 2002.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

【2011 Yokohama World Philatelic Exhibition : Wonderful time creating Japanese Maximum Cards 】 【2011 日本横滨世界邮展 :制极限片乐】

【2011 Yokohama World Philatelic Exhibition : Wonderful time creating Japanese Maximum Cards 】
【2011 日本横滨世界邮展 :制极限片乐】

Attended the 2011 Yokohama Philatelic Exhibition, enjoyed creating maximum cards with the Japanese stamps and postcards bought from the neaby shopping centres. The postal officers making cancellation on philatelic items were experience and skillful. Very neat and nice cancels produced on all the Maximum Cards I did. How I wish the Malaysian Postal personnels can do the same. Share a maximum card I realised in 2011 @ Yokohama, Japan.

2011 年出席日本横滨世界邮展,在会场我制作了无数的日本极限片。会场购买邮票,附近的商场找明信片,发现可制作的极限片还蛮多的。日本邮局人员服务佳,个个都是销戳高手,一锤定戳,完美!真希望我国的邮政人员服务态度能和日本人一样。分享一枚我在横滨制作的极限片。

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

【The Fist of Fury - Kung Fu maximum Card 】 【武术极限片】

【The Fist of Fury - Kung Fu maximum Card 】

Coming up is Bruce Lee's Birthday,will like to share here something related to Bruce Lee - a maximum card depicting Kung Fu, the Martial Art.


Monday, November 24, 2014

【Orang Asli Blowpipe maximum card 马来西亚原住民吹筒极限片】

【Orang Asli Blowpipe maximum card 马来西亚原住民吹筒极限片】

I came to know about the NGO organisation of COAC (Centre for Orang Asli Concerns) and POASM (Persatuan Orang Asli Semanjung Malaysia) when I was searching for the relevant postcards to realise the maximum cards for an ORANG ASLI stamp issue in the year 2010. I knew there was an Orang Asli museum in Gombak, Kuala Lumpur , so I made a trip to the museum to learn more about the Orang Asli Community and at the same time to look for Orang Asli Postcards. I was introduced by the museum official about Dr. Colin Nicholas, an anthropologist dedicated to the research and preservation of the identity, culture and future of Orang Asli- the oldest inhabitant in Malaysia. Got hold of a telephone contact, I met Dr. Nicholas Colin personally, was amazed by his enthusiasm on Orang Asli matters. His home - a 2 storey link house , is decorated with original orang asli native features. His house and the study room is packed with volumes of published books and researched articles on Malaysia Orang Asli matters. Many stories were told on how he assisted in protecting the orang asli settlements from destruction and intrusion of lands by project developments. During the conversion he told he had just returned from Kelantan on the morning itself, after having solved an issue of an Orang Asli Chapel being threatened to be torn down. This was a fruitful trip indeed, I got hold of what I wanted – the set of precious original postcards printed by the organisation. I realised these postcards into maximum cards, with a pictorial postmark @ Jerantut, Pahang. Sharing with all a maximum card of an orang asli with his traditional hunting weapon – Blowpipe.

第一次接触到两个非政府组织 COAC (马来西亚原住民关怀中心)和 POASM (马来西亚半岛原住民协会)是因为我当时正在寻找适合的明信片配合2010年邮政即将发行的原住民邮票,制作极限片。我得知吉隆坡鹅唛有个原住民博物馆,特地驱车去参观,寻找一些有关原住民的资料,也想在馆里买到有关原住民的明信片。 博物馆负责人介绍了我一位博学,钻研马来西亚原住民事物的尼各劳斯先生。我有幸与尼各劳斯博士会面,在其原住民饰物装潢的住家里,我们闲聊。对于博士如此醉心原住民事物工作,感觉赞叹!其办公室布满多册有关原住民的书籍,许多的都出自其手笔,真是不简单!博士道出心声,许多原住民的家在发展的洪流下而被逼搬迁,他在这一方面都在努力协助避免原住民的家园被破坏。谈话中尼各劳斯透露他清晨刚从吉兰丹回来,在那里力阻原住民教会被威胁拆除的命运。这是一次难忘的会面,我也从博士那儿得到我所要的战利品 – 原汁原味的原住民明信片。我把明信片制成了极限片,盖销的邮戳是彭亨州的而连突。其中一枚极限片是原住民的捕猎器具 – 吹筒。共赏。

【Blue Peacock maximum card 蓝孔雀极限片】

【Blue Peacock maximum card 蓝孔雀极限片】

Blue Peacock maximum card 蓝孔雀极限片

Sunday, November 23, 2014

【White Peacock Maximum Card 白孔雀极限片】

【White Peacock Maximum Card 白孔雀极限片】

Share a rare White Peacock Maximum Card.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

【 International Philatelic Exhibition venue is always an ideal ground for realisation of Maximum Cards - Bangkok 2010】 【邮展期间是个制作极限片的良机 - 曼谷世界邮展 2010 】

【 International Philatelic Exhibition venue is always an ideal ground for realisation of Maximum Cards - Bangkok 2010】
【邮展期间是个制作极限片的良机 - 曼谷世界邮展 2010 】

I find international exhibition venues are ideal grounds for making Maximum Cards.
I was visiting Bangkok 2010, and found many lose stamps were sold at the exhibition booths at cheap price. Several booths were selling cheap postcards too. I did NOT have to pay to buy up the full set of stamps for making individual Maximum cards. Had the wonderful time in realising a couple of beautiful Maximum Cards. Share one Maximum Card I realised at Bangkok - the Green Peacock.

去过很多邮展,觉得是个好时机制作国外的极限片。2010 年到曼谷世界邮展参观,喜见会场有许多摊位在售卖零散的专题邮票,价钱廉宜。也有多间售卖明信片的摊位,发现明信片主题都和邮票吻合,非常适合制作极限 片。因此乘此机会制作了一些极限片留存。分享一枚曼谷制作的极限片 - 绿孔雀。共赏。

Friday, November 21, 2014

【Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Maximum Card】 【 新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店极限片】

【Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Maximum Card】
【 新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店极限片】

Singapore Marina Bay Sands Maximum Card 


【The soldiers are looking for a lost wrist watch 大兵在寻找 一个失落的大腕表】

【The soldiers are looking for a lost wrist watch 大兵在寻找 一个失落的大腕表】

Unveil the hidden story of the maximum card posted yesterday : The object hidden behind the stamp is a large Time Watch. This is an advertising postcard of a Swiss Watch company.

揭开昨日在这里贴的一枚极限片谜底 :藏在邮票后面的实物是一个大腕表。这是一枚著名瑞士表公司发行的广告片。

Thursday, November 20, 2014

【What is hiding behind the time frame? Enemy? 里头藏着什么?敌人?】

【What is hiding behind the time frame? Enemy? 里头藏着什么?敌人?】

This is an advertisement postcard for which I had turned into a maximum card of the relevant theme - Military Soldiers.  I had pasted the stamp over an object in the "Time Frame"( the advertising subject) and cancelled with a FDI Pictorial cachet to produce a concordant Maximum card.   The maximum card gives an impression that the soldiers were looking for possible enemies hiding in the abandoned building. I will NOT disclose the object behind the stamp now, I shall disclose the answer by tomorrow.   What I want to express here is, Maximaphily makes transformation, and that is the FUN of maximaphily . Cheers !

这里贴一枚由普通广告片制作的极限片 - 军人。 我刻意把片上的广告主角以一枚邮票给遮隐,并盖销一枚首日发行图案戳,促成一枚和谐的极限片。制成后的片让人感觉军人似乎在寻找废置屋子内躲藏的敌人。暂时我保留邮票遮隐部位的实物,明天才为大家来揭晓。我主要是要让大家知道,极限可以把一枚丑小鸭变天鹅,这就是极限的乐趣!共赏。

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

【In Memory of the Tanjung Pagar Railway Terminal 】 【 记忆里的丹戎巴葛火车终站】

【In Memory of the Tanjung Pagar Railway Terminal 】
【 记忆里的丹戎巴葛火车终站】

KTM railway was my ONLY commuting transport to and fro my hometown to Singapore during my schooling days. When the train ended its journey in Singapore and stopped at Tanjung Pagar, I used to speak to myself, I was still standing in Malaysia until I stepped out of the Tanjung Pagar station. Truly, the building and the stretch of railway tracks on the Singapore land were held under the Malayan Railway on a 999 year lease. The station was officially closed on 30 June, 2011 when the new Woodlands Train terminal came into service. I like the colonial building of the Tanjung Pagar Station. I am glad Singpost came out with a stamp on Tanjung Pagar Railway Station, and I was able to find a relevant card to realise a maximum card.

年少到新加坡念书,乘搭的就是马来西亚铁道局的火车直达新加坡的丹戎巴葛火车终站。当到达丹戎巴葛时,终会洋洋在对自己说,在还没踏出火车站一步,我还在踩在马来西亚的土地,只因一直以来,丹戎巴葛终站和新加坡境内的铁道都属于马来西亚铁道局拥有,租赁期 999 年。自从兀兰新建的火车终站在2011年7月1日启用后,丹戎巴葛的最后一趟火车于2011年6月30日午夜开出后宣布关闭。我喜欢丹戎巴葛殖民地色彩的建筑,怀念那高耸的侯车大厅。丹戎巴葛走进了历史,高兴新邮政发行一枚纪念丹戎巴葛的邮票,让这古色古香的建筑永远收录在邮票里。我总不错过制作一枚极限片纪念。共赏!

Monday, November 17, 2014

【The nolstalgic days of the Old Cinemas 老电影院陪伴的年代】

【The nolstalgic days of the Old Cinemas 老电影院陪伴的年代】

In the 1970s I did my study in Singapore, I enjoyed going cinema during the weekends. Very often, I patronised Cathay cinema joining the queque for a movie ticket. During those nolstalgic years, going to movie was probably the only favorite pastime for all the youngsters. Time flies, 40 years slipped just like minutes. I can now catch the glorious Glimpse of the Cathay Cinema on my maximum card.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

【Reggie Lee Comic Postcard - "I'm the tallest in the world" maximum card】 【雷吉李漫画明信片 - “我是世界最高”极限片】

【Reggie Lee Comic Postcard - "I'm the tallest in the world" maximum card】
【雷吉李漫画明信片 - “我是世界最高”极限片】

I like Reggie Lee series postcard. This comic postcard writes the conversion between the 2 tall buildings in the World in 1980s, the newly completed Malaysia Twin Towers was making the comparison of its height with the reigning rival - the Sears Towers in USA. With this comic postcard I realised a KLCC Twin Tower maximum card.


Friday, November 14, 2014

【Highest Peak In South East Asia Maximum Card 东南亚第一峰极限片】

Highest Peak In South East Asia Maximum Card 东南亚第一峰极限

Everyone dreams to conquer the highest peak in the South East Asia  the Mt. Kinabalu in Sabah. I had the same dream too, however, I did NOT make it during my younger days. Glad that my children had conquered the peak on my behalf. Although, I had NOT been to Mt.Kinabalu,  but I had fulfilled my dream of conquering the Peak by realising as many maximum cards as I can to treasure them in the albums. 

许多人梦想登上东南亚第一峰  沙巴州中国寡妇山,我也曾有这么样的一个梦想..年轻时候没有踏出那一步,现在无法圆梦了!喜见孩子年纪轻轻登上中国寡妇上,算是代我圆了这个梦然而一直以来我没错过制作中国寡妇山极限片 把壮哉的山脉一一给收录在我的收藏册中。请欣赏以下东南亚第一峰极限片。

Thursday, November 13, 2014

【1999 Twin Tower Hologram on Maximum Card 双子塔全像(hologram)极限片(1999年)】

1999 Twin Tower Hologram on Maximum Card  双子塔全像(hologram)极限片(1999年)】

Pos Malaysia issued the first set of Twin Tower Stamp in 1999, The Twin Tower was the Tallest Building in the World then. A special Hologram stamp Miniature Sheet was issued to mark the Malaysias Achievement in Building Architecture. I tore the hologram from the Miniature Sheet and realised a maximum card with this special stamp. 

大马邮政在1999年发行一套邮票纪念当时世界最高建筑物  国油双子塔。除此之外也发行了一枚特别的全像(hologram)小全张。我把全像邮票从小全张取出,制作了一枚全像双子塔极限片。请欣赏。

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

【 Fun with Maximaphily 趣味极限 】

【 Fun with Maximaphily 趣味极限 】

Having Fun with Maximaphily, I did a “Cosmetic Surgery” for the lady on the Card by giving her a smiling lips in postage stamp. You have the liberty in transforming the subject on a card by introducing the stamp in the right place. The lady has a smiling face eventually with the transformation in Maximaphily. Join the Fun of maximaphilying.

极限趣味,我把“微笑的嘴唇”邮票重贴在片上女主角的脸,赋予女人一张笑脸。极限集邮的趣味就在于你的发挥想象力,只要把邮票贴得恰好位置,极限片又可展现另一面的美图。以下极限片中的女人摇身一变,有了一张可人的笑脸。祝 极限乐!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

【Laughter is the best Medicine 笑对明天】

【Laughter is the best Medicine 笑对明天】

Laughter is the best Medicine. Look at the Laughter Maximum card herein attached, laugh along with the laughter man and you will forget all your sorrows. As Matthew 6:34 says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own".

张口大笑是一剂良药,注视以下的这一枚“大笑”极限片,与“大笑伯”一同欢笑,你是否早已把烦恼抛到九霄云外了? 马太福音 6:34 “不要为明天忧虑,因為明天自有明天的忧虑,一天的难处一天当就夠了”。经节说得好,朋友们,笑对明天,一切皆好!

Monday, November 10, 2014

【Aga Khan Architecture Award winner - Malaysia Twin Tower】 【马来西亚双子塔2007年荣获阿嘎汉建筑奖】

【Aga Khan Architecture Award winner - Malaysia Twin Tower】

Malaysia Twin Towers was awarded with the  Aga Khan Best Architecture award in 2007. Pos Malaysia issued a Single stamp to honour the award. The stamps were SOLD OUT in a short period of time. Many collectors missed to get hold of the stamp. I was busy making my Maximum cards in the Post Office counter without knowing that the stamp became a popular demand, I was glad that my stamps were gone to paste on numerous postcards and they are all now in Maximum Cards.  Share with all  an AGA Khan Twin Tower Maximum Card.


Sunday, November 09, 2014

【Hong Kong Giant Panda Maximum Card 靓丽的香港大熊猫极限片】

【Hong Kong Giant Panda Maximum Card 靓丽的香港大熊猫极限片】

Share a Hong Kong Giant Panda Maximum Card.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

【Singapore Panda Maximum Card 新加坡熊猫极限片】

【Singapore Panda Maximum Card 新加坡熊猫极限片】

Whilst waiting for the Malaysia Panda stamp, meanwhile just take a look at the Singapore Panda stamp on Maximum Card.


Friday, November 07, 2014

【Longing to realise Malaysia Giant Panda Maximum Card in December,2014】【2014年12月期待制作马来西亚大熊猫极限片】

【Longing to realise Malaysia Giant Panda Maximum Card in December,2014】

Malaysia Giant Panda stamps are rescheduled to be issued in December, 2014 - After several postponements .... I am longing to realise a Malaysia Giant Panda Maximum Card.

Share here a Giant Panda Maximum Card of Taiwan featuring tuan-tuan and yuan-yuan.

大马熊猫邮票屡次延迟发行,最新的日期是2014年12月。。 期待制作一枚马来西亚熊猫极限片。

在这里分享一枚台湾大熊猫极限片 - “团团圆圆”。

Malaysia Giant Panda stamps are rescheduled to be issued in December, 2014 - After several postponements .... I am longing to realise a Malaysia Giant Panda Maximum Card.

Share here a Giant Panda Maximum Card of Taiwan featuring tuan-tuan and yuan-yuan.

大马熊猫邮票屡次延迟发行,最新的日期是2014年12月。。 期待制作一枚马来西亚熊猫极限片。

在这里分享一枚台湾大熊猫极限片 - “团团圆圆”。

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

【 Glittering KLCC Convention Centre Maximum Card - Official Venue for the Malaysia 2014 World Youth Stamp Exhibition 】 【 晶晶闪耀的城中城展览中心极限片 - 马来西亚2014年世界邮展展厅】

【 Glittering KLCC Convention Centre Maximum Card - Official Venue for the Malaysia 2014 World Youth Stamp Exhibition 】
【 晶晶闪耀的城中城展览中心极限片 - 马来西亚2014年世界邮展展厅】

A Glittering Maximum card realised with a Glittering MS. This is by far the best concordant postcard which I can find to match the Convention Centre MS stamp - a postcard produced by the KLCC management since its establishment many years ago.

Date of Issue : 5.11.2014
Postmark Cancel : First Day of Issue Pictorial


邮票发行 : 5.11.2014
邮戳 :首日图案

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

【 50 years Anniversary of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia】 【 马来西亚工程师协会 50 周年纪念封】

【 50 years Anniversary of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia】
【 马来西亚工程师协会 50 周年纪念封】

It was the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Board of Engineers, a Prepaid Cover was issued by Pos Malaysia Bhd to mark the event. I took the opportunity to request the then Yang diPertua of the Board, IR. Zaini Bin Omar to autograph on the cover.


Sunday, November 02, 2014

【 Vanishing Trade : The Snake Charmer 夕阳行业: 耍蛇者】

【 Vanishing Trade : The Snake Charmer 夕阳行业: 耍蛇者】

Vanishing Trade : The Snake Charmer
Stamp issue date : 24.5.2006
Postmark Cancel : First Day of Issue Pictorial

夕阳行业: 耍蛇者
邮票发行日期 :24.5.2006
邮戳 :首日图案

Saturday, November 01, 2014

【 Beautiful stamp + Scenic Postcard + Pictorial Postmark = Nice Maximum Card 】 【 美丽的邮票 + 绚丽的明信片 + 精致的图案戳 = 养眼的极限片 】

【 Beautiful stamp + Scenic Postcard + Pictorial Postmark  = Nice Maximum Card 】
【 美丽的邮票 + 绚丽的明信片 + 精致的图案戳 = 养眼的极限片 】

A beautiful stamp of the World Tallest observation wheel of Singapore, sticking  it onto  a scenic post card of the Singapore Marina Bay Skylines , tying them with a neat concordant cancellation , finally, a Nice Maximum Card to treasure.

Stamp issued on : 28.05.2013
Postmark Cancel : First Day of Issue Pictorial


邮票发行 :28.05.2013
邮戳 :首日图案。

Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card

  Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur